From: "Jazzinstitut Darmstadt"
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 17:17:12

Subject: Duke Ellington notes in "Schlagzeug"

While browsing some old German magazines, I found the following notes that I thought some of you might find amusing...

Here is an anecdote from "Schlagzeug", a German jazz magazine, issue no. 29 (January 1960):
"Eine Überraschung auf hoher See erlebte Duke Ellington. Im Speiseraum des Schiffes, das ihn zu seiner letzten Europa-Tournee brachte, wurde er von einem farbigen Kellner bedient. Das Erstaunen war beiderseits. Es war Claude Jones, früherer Ellington-Posaunist."
My translation: "Duke Ellington met quite a surprise on the high seas. In the dining hall of the ship which brought him to his last European tour he was served by a colored waiter. Both were surprised by the meeting. The waiter was Claude Jones, who had been Ellington's trombonist in earlier years."

In the same magazine, issue no. 16 (December 1958) there is a news item for the following:

"Furchtlos stieg Duke Ellington, der aus Prinzip nie in seinem Leben geflogen war, in Hamburg zum ersten Male in ein Flugzeug, um einer persönlichen Bekanntschaft mit den Zonen-Grenzpolizisten aus dem Wege zu gehen. Bei seiner Ankunft in Berlin erwartete ihn ein Bus mit dem Namen der berühmten Erkennungsmelodie des Ellington-Orchesters."
My translation: "Duke Ellington who out of principle never in his life has used an aircaft, showed no fear and boarded an airplane in Hamburg in order not to have to endure the meeting with the border police at the German zone border. At his arrival in Berlin, he was awaited by a bus bearing the name of the famous signal tune of the Ellington orchestra." (the photo accompanying the note shows the Duke entering a bus with the sign "A-Train")"

Finally, the same magazine, no. 30 (February 1960) mentions the following:

"Weil er Angst vorm Fliegen hat, lehnte Duke Ellington eine Australien-Tournee ab.Angebotene Gage: 18.000 Dollar (72.000 DM) pro Woche."
My translation: "Because of his fear of flying Duke Ellington declined an Australian tour. Missed fee: 18.000 dollar (72.000 DM) per week."

Wolfram Knauer
Wolfram Knauer, director Jazzinstitut Darmstadt Bessunger Strasse 88d D-64285 Darmstadt Germany Tel. ++49 - 6151 - 963700 Fax ++49 - 6151 - 963744 e-mail: Internet: