How to subscribe or unsubscribe from the
an open email information group dedicated to the life and
music of Duke Ellington.
Here, we discuss recordings, concerts, side-men, Strayhorn, compositions, arrangements, research, films, discography - in short anything which will be of interest concerning one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.
To join, email and write only the words subscribe Duke-LYM in the message field. You don't need to use the subject matter field.
The majordomo server will try to interpret everything in the message area, so if you use a signature block or put other text after subscribe Duke-LYM, you need to tell the server to disregard that. You do this by writing either the single word end or a hyphen (-) on a separate line after the subscribe Duke-LYM command and before the other words. Or you can just delete your signature block before sending the command.
To unsubscribe, send an email to
Write only the words unsubscribe Duke-LYMin the message field.
Again, you don't need an entry in the subject field and you need to use end or a hyphen (-) if you use a signature block.
If you wish to unsubscribe using a remote computer, then you can send an email to with the message unsubscribe Duke-LYM your email address
To get a list of archived files, send an email
to When you receive the list, you can then order one or more monthly archives
by sending an email to