http://Ellingtonweb.Ca Ellington on CD The Dooji Collection (Ellington on record)
updated 2014-09-23
The Duke - Where and When web page is a chronicle of Duke Ellington's life, particularly his working life, from his birth to his death. It is a continuation of the itinerary compiled by *Klaus Götting of France, who built upon and expanded itineraries created and/or published by the late Joe Igo, the late Gordon Ewing and the late Art Pilkington (see DEMS 08/2-6), the late Frank Dutton, the late Dr. Klaus Stratemann, the late Ken Vail, Steven Lasker, and Ken Steiner.
Mr. Götting included material gathered from a great many sources, as well as direct contributions from *Roger Boyes (UK), Jan Bruér (Sweden), George Debroe (Belgium), Jordi Navis-Ferrer (Spain), *Agustín Pérez Gasco (Spain), the late Sjef Hoefsmit (Belgium), *Carl A. Hällström (Sweden), *Steven Lasker (USA), Michel Macaire (France), Arne Neegaard (Norway), *Rick Steiger (USA), *Ken Steiner (USA), *Lance Travis (South Africa), the late Jerry Valburn (USA), Luciano Massagli (Italy), and Jean Portier (France).
At Swedish researcher and record producer Carl Hällström's request, Mr. Götting's gave his consent to allow me to use his itinerary as the basis for this webpage, and so it began. Further research by Ken Steiner and me, together with contributions and assistance from the small research team initially nominated by Mr. Hällström but since expanded, has resulted in many newly discovered events, clarifications and corrections. In addition to those whose names are marked with asterisks in the preceding parapraph, as of May 2014 the team included Bjorn Andresen (Israel), Ian Bradley England), Nicholas Fernandez (USA), Marcus Girvan (Scotland), Michael Graff (USA), and Andrew Homzy (Canada). In addition, I had invaluable support and encouragement from Donna Stratemann of Germany, who kindly gave me her late husband's research files, and from Patricia Willard (USA), who put many facts in their proper context. Ken Steiner deserves honourable mention for his outstanding support, research contributions and encouragement since this project began.
You will notice a great many references to the The International DEMS Bulletins ("DEMS"). Much credit is due to the late Sjef Hoefsmit and his predecessor, the late Benny H. Aasland of The International Duke Ellington Music Society for their dedication to collecting and sharing the tremendous body of Ellington knowledge they published three times a year for thirty-three years.
If you contributed information used by Mr. Götting or me, but your name is not shown, please accept my apology and let me know by email so I can correct the situation.
There is a great deal of information about Ellington's working life and travels in over three decades of tri-annual DEMS Bulletins, in Stratemann, and in THE definitive Ellington discography, The New Desor, by Luciano Massagli and Giovanni M. Volonté.
Individuals who contributed information directly or indirectly to Mr. Götting's itinerary include
Roger Boyes (UK),
Jan Bruér (Sweden),
the late Jack Chambers (USA),
G. Collombé,
George Debroe,
J N Ferrer,
Agustín Pérez Gasco (Spain),
Michael Graff (USA),
the late Sjef Hoefsmit (Belgium),
Ted Hudson (USA),
Carl A. Hällström (Sweden),
W Knauer (Germany)
Steven Lasker(USA),
Joe Mosbrook (USA),
Arne Neegaard (Norway),
Ben Pubols, (USA),
R Schneider,
Rick Steiger (USA),
Ken Steiner (USA),
Ulf Renberg,
William E. Timner (Canada),
the late Ken Vail (England),
the late Jerry Valburn (USA),
Luciano Massagli (Italy),
The late Jerry Valburn (USA)
Giovanni M. Volonté (Italy),
and of course, all the contributors to the DEMS Bulletins. Our research team, in addition to several of the above individuals, includes Bjorn Andresen (Israel), Ian Bradley (England), Nick Fernandes (U.S.A.), Andrew Homzy (Canada), Marcus Girvan (Scotland), Lance Travis (South Africa), and Patricia Willard (U.S.A.). In particular, Mr. Steiner is to be recognized for the outstanding number of events he has found through his own research, and his verifications of, and corrections to, Dr. Stratemann's book, most of which have been published in DEMS bulletins or in booklets he distributed at Ellington conferences.
If you contributed information used by Mr. Götting or me, but your name is not shown, please accept my apology and let me know by email so I can credit you.
David Palmquist
Delta, B.C.
Page designed by
David Palmquist
Delta, BC, Canada